Section: New Results

Scientific Workflows

In Situ Analysis of Simulation Data

Participants : Vitor Silva, Patrick Valduriez.

In situ analysis and visualization have been used successfully in large-scale computational simulations to visualize scientific data of interest, while data is in memory. Such data are obtained from intermediate (or final) simulation results, and once analyzed are typically stored in raw data files. However, existing in situ data analysis and visualization solutions (e.g. ParaView/Catalyst, VisIt) have limited online query processing and no support for dataflow analysis. The latter is a challenge for exploratory raw data analysis. In the context of the SciDISC associate team with Brazil [38], we propose a solution that integrates dataflow analysis with ParaView Catalyst for performing in-situ data analysis and monitoring dataflow from simulation runs [25].

In [21], we propose a solution (architecture and algorithms), called Armful, to combine the advantages of a dataflow-aware SWMS and raw data file analysis techniques to allow for queries on raw data file elements that are related but reside in separate files. Its main components are a raw data extractor, a provenance gatherer and a query processing interface, which are all dataflow-aware.

An instantiation of Armful is DfAnalyzer [34], a library of components to support online in-situ and in-transit data analysis. DfAnalyzer components are plugged directly in the simulation code of highly optimized parallel applications with negligible overhead. With support of sophisticated online data analysis, scientists get a detailed view of the execution, providing insights to determine when and how to tune parameters or reduce data that does not need to be processed [35]. The source code of the DfAnalyzer implementation for Spark is available on github (github.com/hpcdb/RFA-Spark).

Scheduling of Scientific Workflows in Multisite Cloud

Participants : Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez.

In [30], we consider the problem of efficient scheduling of a large SWf in a multisite cloud, i.e. a cloud with geo-distributed cloud data centers (sites). The reasons for using multiple cloud sites to run a SWf are that data is already distributed , the necessary resources exceed the limits at a single site, or the monetary cost is lower. In a multisite cloud, metadata management has a critical impact on the efficiency of SWf scheduling as it provides a global view of data location and enables task tracking during execution. Thus, it should be readily available to the system at any given time. While it has been shown that efficient metadata handling plays a key role in performance, little research has targeted this issue in multisite cloud. Then we propose to identify and exploit hot metadata (frequently accessed metadata) for efficient SWf scheduling in a multisite cloud, using a distributed approach. We implemented our approach within a scientific workflow management system, which shows that our approach reduces the execution time of highly parallel jobs up to 64% and that of the whole SWfs up to 55%.

Distributed Management of Scientific Workflows for Plant Phenotyping

Participants : Gaetan Heidsieck, Christophe Pradal, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez.

In the last decade, high-throughput phenotyping platforms have allowed acquisition of quantitative data on thousands of plants required for genetic analyses in well-controlled environmental conditions.The seven facilities of Phenome produce 200 terabytes of data annually, which are heterogeneous (images, time courses), multiscale (from the organ to the field) and originate from different sites. Hence, the major problem becomes the automatic analysis of these massive datasets and the ability to reproduce large and complex in-silico experiments.

In [31], we propose a solution (infrastructure) to distribute the computation of scientific workflows on very large grid computing facilities (EGI/France Grilles) to the 3D reconstruction, segmentation and tracking of plant organs. This infrastructure, InfraPhenoGrid, is based on OpenAlea, SciFloware and SON, a set of software and technology developed in the team. We have used this solution in [27] to dissect the genetic and environmental influence of biomass accumulation in complex multi-genotype maize canopies.